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Employer Posting Requirements (FE / GM / AM / SM)



Human Resources
Discipline  (FE / GM / AM / SM)

Workers Compensation Insurance  (FE / GM / AM)
Insurance (FE / GM)
Orientation  (FE / GM / AM)

Time and Leave Reporting

Labor Cost Tracking (FE / GM / AM / SM)

Meals (FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)

Employee Positions (Job Descriptions)

Recruitment  (FE / GM / AM / SM)

Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices by the EEOC


Wage Garnishment -  (FE / GM / AM)


Child Support -  (FE / GM / AM)

Child Support Withholding Form


Lifting Safety  (FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)

Kitchen (FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)

Food Handling & Storage 

Receiving (FE / GM / AM / SM)

Ordering Procedure (FE / GM / AM)

Vendor Management (FE / GM / AM)

Cleaning & Hazards Checklist (FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)

Customer Accident / Incident Report

(FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)

Customer Complaint Form (FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)

Records Retention 

Submit Your Marketing, Advertising or Product Idea

Company Events (FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)

Fitness for Duty Form (FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)

Performance  Evaluations (FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)

Performance Evaluation Process 


(FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)


Inventory Depletion

Inventory Increase

Customer Feedback Report (FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)

Taste Test Form (FE / GM / AM / SM / SL)

Marketing Plan (FE / GM / AM)

Passive Franchise Management 

Benevolent Towing Form

List of Approved Suppliers

Child Labor Requirement In States Where FDD is NOT required to be filed or registered

  1. Alabama

  2. Alaska

 3. Arizona

 4. Arkansas

5. Colorado

6. Delaware

7. Georgia

8. Kansas

  • While some states require working minors to provide their employers with an age certification document, this is not required for minors who wish to work in Kansas.

  • Child Labor Law Kansas FFA SAE Fact Sheet

9. Louisiana

  1. Louisiana state law requires child employment certificates for youth under age 18. Employment certificates are provided by the school system and are easy to obtain. A parent and the potential employer must sign the paperwork to complete the process.
  2. Application to Employ Minors Form (PDF) (Required)

  • Give the form to your prospective employer to complete.

  • After it's filled out, have a parent or legal guardian sign it.

  • Take the completed form along with proof of age to your school or school board office to apply for an employment certificate.


10. Idaho

  • Work permits are not required in the State of Idaho

11. Iowa

12. Massachusetts

13. Mississippi

  • Employment Certificates, also known as Work Permits, are mandatory in Mississippi for minors under 16 in mills, canneries, workshops, factories. The certificate must be acquired by the minor and presented to their employer to verify their ability to work before they are hired.
  • While some states require working minors to provide their employers with an age certification document, this is not required for minors who wish to work in Mississippi. Employers are expected to identify minors whom they employ and ensure that their employment is in compliance with all Federal and state child labor restrictions.

14. Missouri

15. Montana

  • Montana's Child Labor Law Reference Guide
  • Age certification is mandatory for employment in Montana for minors 16 and over: in hazardous occupations, provided optionally in other occupations. Proper proof-of-age documentation must be must be acquired by the minor and presented to their employer to verify their age before they are hired.

  • Employment Certificates, also known as Work Permits, are not required in order for minors to work under Montana law. Employers are still responsible for ensuring that they comply with all Montana child labor restrictions and regulations. 

16. Nevada

  • While some states require working minors to provide their employers with an age certification document, this is not required for minors who wish to work in Nevada. 

17. New Hampshire

18. New Jersey

  • NJ - A300 employment certification form
    • Physician’s Certification – The minor then must have a physical or obtain a doctor’s note. The school district is responsible for performing the physical examination at no cost to the minor. A school physical (including a sports physical) performed during freshman year is good for all four year of high school (unless the school district policy specifies more frequent physicals).

    • If the minor’s parent/guardian prefers their child to be examined by a doctor other than the one employed by the school district, they may do so at their own expense. A minor is not required to obtain a physical if the parent/guardian objects (in writing) based on their religious beliefs and practices.

    • Parent/Guardian Authorization – The parent/guardian must indicate his/her authorization of the minor’s employment as specified in the employment information section.

    • Proof of Age – If the school does not have a copy on file, the minor may be asked to provide a birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate or other identification documentation to the School Issuing Officer.

    • School Record/Issuing Officer Certification – The minor must bring the completed certification to their school district. A designated school official will review the form and issue the employment certificate only after being satisfied that the working conditions and hours will not interfere with the minor’s education or damage the minor’s health. The school official may refuse to issue the employment certificate if such refusal would be in the minor’s best interest.

    • Issuing Officer - Allows authorized Issuing Officers to issue work permits online. A user name and password are required.

    • Work Permit - Issuing Officer's Instructions for the Online System

  1. New Mexico

  2. Ohio

  3. Oklahoma

  4. Oregon

  5. Pennsylvania

    • Each school district is responsible for issuing work permits to all minors who reside in the district including those who attend non-public schools, cyber charter schools, or are participating in a home education program. Contact your school district to find out which building you should go to and what hours the issuing officer is available. 

    • Minors don't need an age certificate, but Pennsylvania state law requires that they have a child employment certificate – in other words, a workers permit. The permit is required until they become legal adults at age 18 and can usually be acquired at the child's school.

    • Frequently Asked Questions

  6. Tennessee

    • Parental/Consent Form

    • Working Hours

    • Not to be confused with the parental/guardian consent form. The state does not require work permits. The minor does need to provide the prospective employer with the proper documentation as proof of age: birth certificate, driver's license, state-issued ID, a copy of their passport, etc.

  7. Vermont

    1. Child Labor Certificate - Vermont Department of Labor

    2. Important Information for Employers of Minors in the State of Vermont on Federal and State Child Labor Laws

  8. West Virginia

    • Frequently Asked Questions: Child Labor

    • What types of permits are required in West Virginia before a minor may accept employment?

      1. Fourteen and fifteen year olds must obtain a work permit before accepting any type of gainful employment in West Virginia.  Age certificates are only required by law when related to junior volunteer firefighting activities but may be required by employers as proof of age for sixteen and seventeen year olds.

  9. Wyoming

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